29-31 October  2024

The fourth instalment of the “Software Defined Space Conference” (SDSC) series, dedicated to the critical realm of cybersecurity in space, is set to unfold 29.-31. October in Tallinn, Estonia.

Through the use of software, we have the capability to transform how we utilise and gain benefits from our space assets. We can accurately predict and visualise future demands, while also facilitating the coming together of service providers and consumers.

It’s important to recognise that the increased value of space technologies today is primarily driven by software advancements and the expanding realm of connectivity. In 2022, the space sector entered a new era in which cyber security assumed a pivotal role in ensuring the uninterrupted provision of services and overall sustainability.

Hence, the primary focus of this event centres around two key areas: software development and cyber security within the realm of space technology. The overarching goal is to heighten awareness about the potential of these technologies, explore avenues for commercialisation, and foster the growth of the space community.


Estonian Space Office
Ministry Of Economic Affairs And Communications

Software Defined Space Conference 2024 Call for Abstracts!

Submissions for SDSC2024 are now closed. Stay tuned for updates!

Exhibition Area

Exhibition Area

Want to present your company at the next software defined space conference?

The next conference will offer the possibility for organisations to present their technologies and ideas at the designated exhibition area. This is a perfect opportunity to network and connect with organisations, investors or other visitors.

Registration is open until 15 October and you can access the form by clicking:



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